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Folling tasks:

  • manage projects
  • manage user
  • create JWT-Token in case of a login and validate them for each API-access
    • for the token the jwt-cpp-library is used
    • only Token-type HS256 available at the moment
  • generating REST-API-Documation
    • request all components for their REST-API-information and converts all these data into one file
    • information for the documentation comes from the libKitsunemimiSakureLang-library of each component, which provides the API-endpoints


3 Types of users:

  • Admin:
    • can see all resources of all users in all projects
    • can manage (create, delete, ...) users and projects. This is hard defined by the code and can not be changed by the policy-file
    • an Admin-user can not deleted by him/her self, so at least one Admin does every time exist
    • the initial Admin, after a rollout of a new deployment, is created by hanami
    • Admins have per default the role admin and the project-id admin
  • Project-Admin:
    • role is bonded to a specific project
    • can see all resources of all users within the project, where the Project-Admin-role is bonded to
  • User
    • default
    • role is bonded to a specific project
    • can only see the own resources within within the project, where the User-role is bonded to

Each resource, which is created (for example a Cluster or Dataset), get the user- and project-id attached, who created the resource. Even users and projects get the id of the admin attached, who created the user or project