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How to build


  • Install packages

    • For Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 (Debian should work too):

      apt-get install clang-15 make cmake bison flex libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev libboost-dev nlohmann-json3-dev uuid-dev libsqlite3-dev protobuf-compiler
    • On Ubuntu 24.04 a new clang version than 15 can also be used or g++. See supported versions

  • Clone repository with submodules

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  • In case the repo was cloned without submodules initially:

    cd OpenHanami
    git submodule init
    git submodule update --recursive

Build hamami plain

  • Compile hanami

    cd OpenHanami
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    make -j8
  • In case you also want to compile the unit-tests and so on, you have to add -Drun_tests=ON to the cmake-commands

  • Resulting binary


Build hanami as docker-image

With docker-build

Run docker build -t <DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME> .


docker build -t hanami:test .

With earthly

  • Install earthly

  • The code can be build as image like this:

    earthly +build-image --image_name=<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>


    earthly +build-image --image_name=hanami:test

Build CLI-client

  • Install earthly

  • build protobuf-messages within the hanami_sdk directory

    earthly --artifact +compile-cli/tmp/hanamictl ./builds/
  • then you have a new local directory builds, where the resulting binary of the build-process is placed into

Build python-SDK as package

  • install packages

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y protobuf-compiler python3 python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install wheel
  • build protobuf-messages and package

    cd ./src/sdk/python/hanami_sdk/hanami_sdk
    protoc --python_out=. --proto_path ../../../../libraries/hanami_messages/protobuffers  hanami_messages.proto3
    cd ..
    python3 bdist_wheel --universal


There are a bunch of pre-checks at the beginning of the CI-pipeline, which can fail and where it is useful to be able to run the same tests locally for debugging. Nearly all of them use earthly


  • run earthly --ci +flake8


  • run earthly --ci +secret-scan

It is possible, that the check fails, even if there are no (new) secrets in the code and fails, because of some other code-movements. The check compares all to the .secrets.baseline-file, where also line-numbers are marked. To update the file to get the test green again:

  • install detect-secrets

  • update file with detect-secrets scan > .secrets.baseline


  • run earthly --ci +ansible-lint


  • run earthly --ci +cppcheck

Clang-format check

  • run earthly --ci +clang-format

Build docs

  • The documenation can be build as image like this:

    earthly +build-docs --image_name=<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>


    earthly +docs --image_name=hanami_docs:test
  • The documentation listen on port 8000 within the docker-container. So the port has to be forwarded into the container:

    docker run -p hanami_docs:test
  • After this within the browser the addess can be entered to call the documenation within the browser.

Run preview of docs

  • Install Mkdocs and plugins

    pip3 install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-swagger-ui-tag mkdocs-drawio-exporter
  • To build the documentation also has to be installed on the system

    • Example how to install

      curl -s | grep browser_download_url | grep "amd64"  | grep "deb" | cut -d "\"" -f 4 | wget -i -
      apt -f -y install ./drawio-amd64-*.deb
  • checkout repository and run the local server

    git clone --recurse-submodules
    cd OpenHanami
    mkdocs serve
  • Open web-browser with address to see the docs. The mkdocs serve-command runs in the background and makes live-updates of all changes within the files.