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This documentation here is the archived version of the old readme-file of this library and is NOT up-to-date, but maybe it is still useful for some references.


This is a simple wrapper-library for opencl. It provides some basic commenly used functionalities and abstract them to a very simple structure, which comes with some restrictions, but make it fast and easy to write a program with opencl support. The basic feature set provides the following functions:

  • init device
  • copy data to device
  • run kernel
  • copy data from device
  • close device
  • get work-item information from device
  • get memory information from device

These abstractions have some restrictions like for example the follwing:

  • all copy-transfers are always blocking
  • always the whole buffer is copied to or from device. copy only parts of the buffer is not supported
  • only one device handable at the moment or more precisely the first one, which is found on the system.

To avoid restrictions for special cases, all opencl-objects are public and so normal opencl-operations can also performed without the abstracted functions of this library.


Here only an example kernel code to

const std::string kernelCode =
    "__kernel void test_kernel(\n"
    "       __global const float* a,\n"  // <-- first input-buffer a
    "       __global float* b\n"        // <-- output-buffer
    "       )\n"
    "    // do something with the data on device. This here is only a stupid useless example."
    "    size_t globalId = get_global_id(0) + get_global_size(0) * get_global_id(1);\n"
    "    if (globalId < N)\n"
    "    {\n"
    "       b[globalId] = a[globalId];"
    "    }\n"

The copy process for the library from host to device copies always at first the buffer and then the number of elements of this buffer. So they are always pairwise in the arguments of the kernel-function.

#include <hanami_opencl/gpu_handler.h>
#include <hanami_opencl/gpu_interface.h>
#include <hanami_common/logger.h>

// Optional  initialize the logger. This here initalize a console logger,
// which prints all error- and info-messages on the consol
Hanami::ErrorContainer error;
// in case of an error the message con be printed with LOG_ERROR(error)

// init opencl-class of this library
Hanami::GpuHandler oclHandler;
// the GpuHandler collect all devices of the host and stores them
// into oclHandler.m_interfaces

// get for example the first device
Hanami::GpuInterface* ocl =;
// this ocl-object here will be used in all the following snippets

Prepare buffer for data-transfers between the host and the device.

// create data-object
Hanami::GpuData data;

// init empty buffer
// This prepare a buffer-object and allocate aligned memorey on the host.
// These objects will be used to transfer data between the host and the device.
data.addBuffer("buffer x",     // <-- self-defined id for the buffer
               N,              // <-- number of elements
               sizeof(float),  // <-- size of one element
               true);          // <-- set to true use a host-pointer
                               //     This makes copy to device faster,
                               //     but the kernel will be slower.
                               //     So keep the tradeoff in mind!
data.addBuffer("buffer y",
// in the same style, there are multiple input- and output-buffer possible

// for the example get here the first buffer and set all values of this buffer to 1.0
float* a = static_cast<float*>(data.getBufferData("buffer x"));
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    a[i] = 1.0f;

Init worker-sizes. Tehre are two fields: number of work-groups and threads per work-group. Normally this are global and local work-items in opencl, but I wanted it a little bit more like in CUDA.

data.numberOfWg.x = N / 512;
data.numberOfWg.y = 2;
data.threadsPerWg.x = 256;

In the main-part copy the data to the device and process them on the device.

bool ret = false;

// copy the data of OpenClData-object, which was initialized in the snipped before
ret = ocl->initCopyToDevice(data, error);

// add kernel-code with name to device
ret = ocl->addKernel(data, "test_kernel", kernelCode, error)
// you can all multiple kernel to the device and its queue

// bind buffer 0 and 1 to the kernel
ret = ocl->bindKernelToBuffer(data, "test_kernel", "buffer x", error);
ret = ocl->bindKernelToBuffer(data, "test_kernel", "buffer y", error);

// updata this on the host changed buffer also on the device with the following command
ocl->updateBufferOnDevice(data, "buffer x", error);

// run kernel-code this the data
ret = ocl->run(data, "test_kernel", error);

// copy all as output-buffer defined buffer from device back to host
ret = ocl->copyFromDevice(data, "buffer y", error);

// access the data in the output-buffer and process the result on the host
float* outputValues = static_cast<float*>(data.getBufferData("buffer y"));

Maybe you want to make more then one run. So you can update all buffer on the device, which are NOT defined as output-buffer.

bool ret = false;

// for this example get the first buffer again and change this content
float* a = static_cast<float*>(data.getBufferData("buffer x"));
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    a[i] = 2.0f;

// updata this on the host changed buffer also on the device with the following command
ocl->updateBufferOnDevice(data, "buffer x", error);

// run the kernel again and copy the result back again.
ret = ocl->run(data);
ret = ocl->copyFromDevice(data);

float* outputValues = static_cast<float*>(data.getBufferData("buffer y"));

It is also possible to get some basic information from these opencl-wrapper-class. These getter are restricted for the available memory on the device and the maximum sizes of the worker-groups.

// getter for memory
uint64_t localSize = ocl->getLocalMemorySize();
uint64_t globalSize = ocl->getGlobalMemorySize();
uint64_t maxAlloc = ocl->getMaxMemAllocSize();

// getter for work-groups sizes
uint64_t maxWorkGroupSize = ocl->getMaxWorkGroupSize();
uint64_t maxWorkItemDimension = ocl->getMaxWorkItemDimension();
WorkerDim dim = ocl->getMaxWorkItemSize();

If you need other information, which are not covered by this few getter here, you can perform normal operations on the device-objects. For example like this:

cl_ulong size = 0;
ocl->, &size);

After all was done, then close the device.

// close the device and free all buffer. For this it requires the data-object
// with the input- and output-data to free the buffer on the device and free the
// allocated memory inside these data-objects
ret = ocl->closeDevice(data);

// the destructor of the Opencl-class, where this ocl-object belongs to, also calls
// this method, but without the data-object, so the destructor doesn't free the memory.